Friday, October 30, 2009
i think my favorite part of today was watching our CFO approach my coworker, who was working on her halloween costume, and hearing her explain her costume and the meaning behind "c*** blocker." im pretty sure my face turned red for her. but the best part was watching her act it out. oh halloween...
hallow's eve.
i think a vampire sneaked into my house last night...this being the only explanation for the bite mark i have on my neck and the one on my hand...
do i have my very own edward cullens???? i can't decide if that would be romantic or creepy...
do i have my very own edward cullens???? i can't decide if that would be romantic or creepy...
sometimes i wish i could schedule my sanity somewhere in my crazy schedule.
...or at least get a half time...
seriously, leaving the house at 6:30 am and not getting home until 11:30 or midnight everyday is exhausting...
ps...sorry if i have stood you up lately...somehow i have been double booking my may be from the lack of sleep...
...or at least get a half time...
seriously, leaving the house at 6:30 am and not getting home until 11:30 or midnight everyday is exhausting...
ps...sorry if i have stood you up lately...somehow i have been double booking my may be from the lack of sleep...
Monday, October 26, 2009
miles and miles
true. i am in texas. true. i have been up since 3 am. true. i wore my cowgirl boots simply out of principal. true. i had many people compliment me on them...of course only in phoenix and texas. true. i brought the seattle weather with me. true. a natural gas rig, which is probably what nasa looks like at night, was put up around the corner from my house. true. i over indulged at hard eight bbq tonight. true. i finished today's very long day with a cup of blue bell dutch chocolate ice cream. true. i love texas. but, it's just different this time...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
i found mine! where everyone...well at least the kj (karaoke dj for those out who are not karaoke aficionados) and the bartender (who remembers my affinity for shirley temples)...knows my name.
yes, this was my third saturday in a row...i debuted a new song, "to be with you," by mr. big. i had a couple slow dancing to my smooth ballad, and had the bar singing the chorus with me. and yes, there were moments when i sang with my eyes closed, and may have had my tightly clasped fist raised in the air for emphasis, but who needs the details?
i think that was the best night of karaoke yet...and to think that i wasn't going to go at all last night....
yes, this was my third saturday in a row...i debuted a new song, "to be with you," by mr. big. i had a couple slow dancing to my smooth ballad, and had the bar singing the chorus with me. and yes, there were moments when i sang with my eyes closed, and may have had my tightly clasped fist raised in the air for emphasis, but who needs the details?
i think that was the best night of karaoke yet...and to think that i wasn't going to go at all last night....
Friday, October 23, 2009
kindred spirits.
sheenmo's dec. 2007 wedding
anne of green gables had one, and i am lucky to have many. some i have known for longer than others, and these girls are just that for me. my kindred spirits. having known them for more than 12 years, they have left such an impression on whom i've become. the best part is that we are each completely and entirely different from one another, with the exception of one thing: our love for one another...and that we like to take silly photos....and i'm pretty sure that we have an identical one to this from when we were 14-years-old...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
frozen in time.
today i went to pull my zucchini salad out of the refrigerator, only to find it frozen. i hate it when that happens.
in other news, my eating raw onion the other night (they are just so good), has completely ruined my palette for the week. no matter how many time i brush and wash my mouth/tongue, everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, tastes bitter. i guess i will stay away from the onions for a while....
in other news, my eating raw onion the other night (they are just so good), has completely ruined my palette for the week. no matter how many time i brush and wash my mouth/tongue, everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, tastes bitter. i guess i will stay away from the onions for a while....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
there are numerous types of blocks:
- blocks of cheese
- block parties
- bloc party
- blockbuster
- h&r block
- HTML's:
- wooden blocks
- blockheads
- chopping blocks
and then there is writer's block...which i am currently suffering from. fudge.
Monday, October 19, 2009
p.s. though the new moon soundtrack is great i thought that i should confess that as i wrote that post and am currently writing this one, i have been listening to my favorite pianist, i want him to be yours as well: ludivico einaudi.
he eases the mind and inspires the imagination.
he eases the mind and inspires the imagination.
guilty pleasure.
i would like to make this my proclamation to the world. though it required a lot for me to muster the courage for this, i think it's time i come clean: i can't wait for this to come out on nov. 20. and the only thing that is subduing the excitement is the soundtrack. seriously. when did movie soundtracks get to be so good?
please don't judge me.
please don't judge me.
oh fudge.
i just realized that i am closer to my 10-year high school reunion than i am to when i graduated high school. quarter-life crisis sets in...riiiigggghhhttt abbbbbboutttt....NOW.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
honey fresh and so clean clean.
laundry night. i noticed how everything smelled honey fresh. i was perplexed, as i use oder-free EVERYTHING. i just assumed that my neighbors upstairs must have left a dryer sheet in the machine. i wish. needless to say, the one time i forgot to check my pockets (my mother ingrained us with this to the point where it may be borderline ocd) is the time that i left my lip balm in my pocket. the sad part is that i can't decide what i am bummed about clothes smelling like my lip balm or my no longer having my favorite lip balm....
...right now i am leaning towards the latter...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
hi. if you are not my dad but you are the same age as my dad, and i do not engage in eye contact with you, then please don't talk to me. it creeps me out. this happened twice today.
1. i am leaving the coffee shop next to my work, and as i look at the ground and concentrate on making sure i did not trip over my feet, i hear a "hi!" as i exited. i turned to find a man that could be the same age as my father greeting me as i left the store. he was eating his chicken noodle soup, and i gave him a puzzled glance. he smiled and waved, expecting me to engage in conversation. i continued to give him a puzzled look and turned around and walked back to my office.
2. i am leaving pcc, and i was concentrating on not dropping the contents i was juggling. i thought i would do my part in saving the world by not getting a bag. i know. i know. you can thank me later. a gentleman entered the store. i was less than 10 feet from the exit, he walks over saying "how are you doing?" and blocked my exit from the store. i turn around to be sure that this man, who could, again, pass as my father, was not trying to engage with someone who may have been behind me. but most assuredly not. it was me. i looked up, and gave him a half smile, and said, "have a good night." he seem surprised that i did not want to continue the conversation as i sidestepped him and quickly shuffled my way out of the store.
now i often, admittedly, get engaged in odd conversations with all kinds of people. there were a few other instances today that were kindly brought to my attention, but when we boil it down...if you could be my father...then it's just plain creepy.
but hey, at least i got half off at the store this evening....just a perk from one of the aforementioned random conversations, by someone who was not the same ages as my father. huzzah!
...have it also be noted, that it is through random incidences like this, that i was given my rip mj i guess its not always creepy...just 90% of the time...
you can call me maestro.
i can now check the "yes" box on the "do you know how to play a musical instrument?" portion of ward getting-to-know-you sheets. due to the astounding patience of imri, i can now play the keyboard cat song. so next time a musical number is needed for sacrament, i can now long as i can play the keyboard cat song...and i can only play on the i am still intimidated by all those additional keys on a regular piano. but hey, even beethoven had to start somewhere...
p.s. get ready to get played off this halloween! woot! woot!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
tis the season...

Today I participated in the Seattle Zombie Walk held at the Space Needle, where we haunted all the tourists at the Seattle Center and Lower Queen Anne. We threatened the well being of innocent shoppers at Metropolitan Market, and I learned that Elvis does, in fact, still live. I dressed up as a baseball player was too much fun!
Friday, October 9, 2009
LOST mystery solved.
i figured it out. no need to watch the series finale of LOST. i have solved it!
the island is actually jurassic park. duh. see?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
- sunsets. at golden gardens. or just in the city. the large buildings turn into gold and the water hue is a deep blue with pink and orange highlighting the sky. too good to be true.
- farming year round. i love that i get fresh veggies year round from local farmers.
- the morning fog. it reminds me of the lake district in great britain. and also pete's dragon.
- the ballard locks. mark my day i will be jumping into them.
- gasworks park on sunny, sunday afternoons.
- the burke-gilman trail
- the space needle. guys, it seriously never gets old.
- green lake
- sasquatch...not the music festival.
- first thursdays, and of course all of the other neighborhood art walks as well.
- the library!
- and the list could go on and on and on...
it's the fall, and with every new season, along comes more visitors. i am so excited for all of my upcoming visits, but i also really love giving tours...seriously, i think my dream job would be a tour guide.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
do's & don'ts.
DO try trader joe's carrot ginger soup. though, not nearly as good as chef hans' recipe, it will tide you over until one day you can indulge in such a delicacy again.
DON'T try trader joe's butternut squash soup. for some reason it tastes like tomato soup and you may have to pour half a canister of pepper in it to flavor it.
at least my container can also function as a hand warmer. is chilly today!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
if i did everything that my spam mail told me to...
...then i would:
- get online RIGHT NOW and buy prescription medicine...probably from canada too...
- let William Cheng intimate a money fund transfer of magnitude proportions (i mean this in only the cleanest way possible)
- probably be able to understand "KQJFUDREKLCEKBKGZDHJW..."
- never have "bout to mizz mah burthdai"
- believe that it was divine intervention that Mr. Cann Eric Pettigrew contacted me and want me to swoon over him and his $3.5 million investment
- have ordered a lot of Sony Vaio's
- never report my income and always be in contact with the IRS' hotmail account
- own a lot of discounted Rolex watches
- and I would probably be multilingual, specializing in Chinese and Romanian.
BUT, unfortunately my torrid love affair with Mr. Pettigrew will never be, and for now, i will be an ignorant mono-linguistic person. BUT not a day goes by where i am fascinated by the subject lines of said e-mails, and more so fascinated by the people who actually respond.
NOTE: I do keep a side file of really great junk e-mails for me to read on bad days. They always seem to do the trick!
Sunday, October 4, 2009

i made the hot chocolate....with perfect foam i might add....
down on the farm.

for those who are not aware, i am a csa member with full circle farm.
yesterday i took hans, imri and rebecca to their annual "hog and grog" potluck. boy, was it ever a grog. it was nice to see where my produce comes from, and the food was amazing.
p.s. their horses turned out to be vampire horses and glitter gold in the sunlight. just like twilight.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
friday night lights.
great friday nights include:
leaving work in the middle of a project, bc i found out there was zero traffic between the office and home. 18 minute friday evening commute rather than the 45 minute.
singing in the shower (though, have it be noted that for whatever reason i cannot remember an entire song, so it consisted of a verse or two of numerous songs, and loudly humming the parts of songs i could not remember the words to).
guilty pleasure cd exchange dinners.
oktoberfest root beer parties at the monster house.
attending a midnight showing of the rocky horror picture show, only to find out that we had the days wrong. next month i will be doing the time warp. mark my words.
and let's throw a cherry on this sundae by completing the night with a dance party in christian's bedroom.
seriously. so great. thank you friday. come again soon please.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
i look like amy.
today i joined a coworker of mine to a local restaurant near the office for breakfast. i was without an appetite (still recovering from some ill-fated food poisoning), so i waited patiently for him to get his food. as i was waiting, i turned and noticed a 4-year-old boy eating his breakfast meal with his mother, and he excitingly began to wave at me. i kindly returned his wave, not thinking much about it.
then as my coworker was finishing his breakfast, the young boy and his mom were walking out of the establishment and the lad stopped at our table and exclaimed to me, "hi! this is my pirate!" he proudly displayed his toy action figure for me to see. and so we began to engage in a conversation about his pirate, and how the pirate's wife fell off the boat once into the ocean, but now she is okay. AND most notably, that this is a good pirate that fights bad guys with the weapons he had attached to the toy's arms. it was quite an enthralling conversation, but then his mother soon decided that it was time for them to depart, so he ended with an excited, "BYE! You look like Amy!!!!"
I don't know who this Amy is, but I am sure glad that she is nice to him. Can you imagine if Amy was otherwise? The reaction may have been pure fright for the child...and that could have gotten a little awkward.
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