Wednesday, January 25, 2012

the buzz.

this last weekend, christine and i attended beekeeping class. thank you 2012. the year where only dreams come true. basically, i became enthralled in all matters of the bee, and i felt like i was walking the moon in my suit (note: this is not to be confused with michael jackson's moonwalk).

the suits.

driving with the suits on. whole new level of cool.

all dressed. and ready to walk on the moon/work with beeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz.

 smoking out the hives so we can inspect them.

 honey. bunny.

with our own honeycomb. 

bee master/stormtrooper.

and no trip to austin would be complete without spending time with the brother.

also spent a delightful evening of catching up with alex and rob, too. seriously. this day exceeded all possible expectations.


Andrea said...

all of the bee suit pics together are incredible. dyin at the bee master/stormtrooper picture. how fitting.

Unknown said...

This is amazing.