Friday, December 12, 2008

8/7 CST

This Thursday, I will be boarding a plane to Texas. Often times, "I think to myself what on earth took me to Seattle?" To keep this short: When I move back to Texas (emphasis on the "when"), I will never move again. So, I thought I would get a few last adventures out of me before I move back.

I have had a few posts in the past about how great Texas is, and today is going to be another one. I remember when I was a kid and TV shows were advertised they were listed as "8/7 Central" or "4/3 Central," you get the idea. I remember wondering how other people survived, because everything was broadcasted as central standard time. Still, even in Seattle it is broadcasted as such.

Anyways, I laughed to myself today, as I remembered my young, Texas elitist thoughts, and I thought I would share it. Another reason why Texas is great. It's minor, but even the details count.

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